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Dr Thomas Oh

Dr Thomas (Young Chul) OH      


Dr Thomas (Young Chul) Oh graduated from medical school at University of New South Wales and underwent surgical training at Westmead hospital.


After completing his training and receiving fellowship from Royal Australasian College of Surgeons he undertook a year of fellowship in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery at Westmead Hospital, a level 1 trauma centre.  This was followed by two further years of breast endocrine surgical fellowship at Centre for Breast Health, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hopsital and at Concord Repatriation General Hospital.


As well as extensive training and competency in general surgical procedures including hernia and biliary surgery. Dr Oh has a special interest and experience in treatment of breast cancer and reconstruction and thyroid/parathyroid disorders.  He works in close liason with multidisciplinary team including pathologists, radiation and medical oncologists at Strathfield Private Hospital and Macquarie University Hospital to ensure a seamless integration of all treatments required for breast cancer. 


Dr Oh is currently working as a consultant surgeon at Westmead Hospital. 


Dr Oh is actively involved in continuing medical education and research and has published in international journals.


Dr Oh is a fellow/member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and Breast Surgeons Australia and New Zealand.

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